Welcoming the new Dashboard
We are excited to announce the release of our upgraded Company Live Dashboard.
The Dashboard is an intuitive one-stop shop for admins and managers to view, track and manage their daily workforce. This includes Assigned requests, tracking expiring records, managing their team's attendance, seeing who is celebrating a birthday or employment anniversary, and more.
The dashboard consists of a wide range of widgets that provide the user with real-time comprehensive information and stats to easily and efficiently manage their team.
Pending approvals widget:
The Pending Approvals widget provides admins and managers with a view and shortcut to all items pending their approval. This includes employee Time Off requests, Reimbursement requests, New Hire Onboarding submissions pending approval, employee Profile Edit requests, and Missed Punch requests.
You can filter the view to only see requests assigned to you or requests assigned to others.
The user can click on any item in the Pending Approvals widget and be taken to the page where they can manage and approve those requests.
Expiring HR Records widget:
The Expiring HR Records widget provides the user with a view of expiring records such as Licenses, Trainings, Medical records etc. This enables admins and managers to easily view and take the appropriate action for those expiring records.
You can select records that are about to expire in 15, 30 or 45 days.
You can click on any item within the widget and this will return a list of those employees/expiring records. The user can also export the list to excel.
Attendance widget:
The Attendance widget gives admins and managers a clear view of live attendance related stats such as Employees Absent or Missing a Punch so they can easily and efficiently manage their employees' attendance.
You can click on any of the attendance related stats to be taken to the page from which they can view the details and address those items. For example, you can click on Missing Punches and be taken to a list of those employees/records missing a punch.
The user can click on the “Employees currently in” and get a list of employees currently working.
The Celebrations widget provides admins and managers with a list of upcoming Birthdays and Employment Anniversaries so they can recognize and congratulate their employees.
Automatic Handling of Failed Direct Deposits and Correcting Direct Deposit Setups
When a direct deposit is returned, the system will now automatically end date the current direct deposit setups in the employee’s profile. This eliminates the need for clients to do it manually. Client users will be notified of this change via automated email so they can confirm the correct account info with affected employees and add it to the system.
The failed Direct Deposit will then be marked as ended by the system.
There are also non-monetary bank notices where the direct deposits complete successfully but the direct deposit setup requires a correction. For these items the system will now automatically perform these direct deposit setup corrections in the employee’s profile. Client users no longer have to perform any task to address these non-monetary change needs and they will receive an automatic email advising them of the changes.
Length of Service in Filter Groups
Users can now utilize "Length of Service" as a condition in Filter Groups. Filter Groups are used to build predefined filters which can then be used in various areas of the system, such as PTO accruals, reports etc.
Job Info in Live Reports
Users can now add Employee Job Info fields (Such as Department, Location, Division, Manager etc.) to Live Reports. This will populate the employee’s current Job Info.
Benefit Accruals Rate Table - Additional Flexibility Added
Users can now use 0 in conditions. For example, you can now enter 0 Carryover Limit per tear.
Payroll Audit Enhancements
- Now the “Exceeded Accrual Bank Payroll Audit” works for accrual polices which are accruing dollars. Previously it only worked for polices which were accruing hours. This audit flags employees getting paid PTO more than their available balance.
- Now the “Active Not Paid Payroll Audit” also includes employees with a blank check entry. Previously it only included employees who did not have a check entry record at all.
Bug fixes
- Some reports were missing the option to select a process range. This has been corrected
- The Missing Tax Codes Payroll Warning now also flags employees who are missing FITW and FUTA tax codes.