Broadcast Messages to Employees in ESS
Added the ability for employers to broadcast messages to employees in ESS
To post a message go to Actions > ESS Admin > Messages
Employment status card is now Date-Driven
The Employment Status card in employee profile has been revamped to allow employment status tracking with history and point-in-time records/reporting. The following changes were made:
- The card is now date-driven
- New fields were added
- Actions were added for you to terminate an employee, rehire an employee, put an employee on leave, and return to work from leave.
See the following tutorial on how to best utilize the employment status card:
The card now allows different types of updates, depending on the change you need to make.
- Actions - an action should be taken if the employee’s status changed between Active, Leave, and Terminated. Appropriate actions will be available based on the current status (i.e. for an Active employee, you can Terminate or Start Leave. For a Terminated employee, you can Rehire).
- Changes - the Change tool should be used if the employee remains in the same general status but something else on the record changed (i.e. Active employee changed from full time to part time; leave employee changed from one type of leave to another). The Change tool is available on the current record.
- Edits - the Edit tool should be used if a field on the record needs to be edited without creating a historical record. This is generally used to correct mistakes on a record (i.e. Active employee was mistakenly listed as full time instead of part time). The Edit tool is available on all records, including historical.
The Original Hire Date, Latest Termination Date (if applicable), and Latest Rehire Date (if applicable) are displayed at the top of card but are not editable. Rather, the employment dates are populated as part of setting the employee’s status record. For example, if the user takes an action of terminating an employee, the Latest Termination Date field will populate based on the new termination record's effective date.
New Custom Payroll Transaction Report
This new report can be used to pull any payroll history transaction by code. This report also includes the ability to bring in transactions by Code Groups. This can be used for data reconciliation, data auditing, financial reporting etc. This report is found under Live reports > Payroll > Custom Transaction report
Additional Report enhancements
- New Live Report: Employee Status
This report can be used to pull data from the employee Employment Status card. -
New Live Report: Employee Job Info
This report can be used to pull data from the employee Job Info card. - Payroll preview preprocess PDF report enhanced
The report now has the option of a page-break by check.
New Payroll Audit - Rate by Earning Code
To add this audit go to Company > Audits. Click Add Audit, find the Rate Audit by Earning Code, set the rate amount, and select the earning codes to include in the audit.
Agency handling updates
The following updates have been implemented:
- Added Agency as an available column in Pay Entry - This allows users to tie deduction amounts to an Agency directly in pay entry. To add this column to your payroll entry grid, open the Column Chooser and find the “Account/Agency” column.
- Deductions tied to an Agency on the company level – If a deduction is tied to an Agency on the company level, and the deduction is entered in payroll, the deduction amounts will automatically be posted to the Agency.
- Calculation results displays the Agency
Additional Miscellaneous Updates
Void & Reissue Check Stub Memo
The void and reissue wizard now includes the option to enter a check stub memo to print on the stub of reissued check (i.e. replacement check for check number 5431).
Canadian Zip codes
The system now allows for Canadian zip codes in the employee Address card.
Include Active Employees in Unscheduled Payroll Batch
Now, when adding or starting an unscheduled payroll batch, users have the option to include all active employees in the batch. Selecting this will add all active employees to the batch. If you include Base Auto Pays as well, the auto pays will apply to all active employees who have Base Auto Pays set up in their profiles. Non-auto paid employees will not get paid unless pay items are entered in their checks. If you do not select to include all active employees, then you will need to manually add applicable employees to the batch. Base Auto Pays will not apply; instead, the base auto pay will need to be manually added to applicable employees.
Manage payroll Job Codes in Empeon
Users can now manage payroll job codes directly in Empeon. Job Codes are found under Company > Payroll > Job Codes.
Comments entered in pay entry are now also saved in the Labor distribution table.
This update enables payroll comments (widely used for patient name) to be included in GL files.
Increase the character limit of the GL columns to 50 characters
This update allows for longer GL classes to be included in GL files.
Bug fixes
- Fixed: In some scenarios, the payroll time import option was appearing in the wrong batch. This is now fixed.
- Fixed: Quarterly frequency was not working. This is now fixed.
- Fixed: In some scenarios, the “Split lines to a separate check” was not working. This is now fixed.
- Fixed: Labor Distribution live report in some scenarios was timing out. This is now fixed.
- Fixed: Employee Contact Card - Emergency contact name was not marked as required. This is now fixed.